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Dream Career Mentoring

Life Coaching for women, Carrer Coaching

Having a job you actually enjoy is one of the biggest blessing you could receive in your lifetime.

It’s an amazing source of happiness, confidence and drive for us to keep reaching for more in life.

Do you love your job?

So many women today have jobs that they don’t enjoy and that don’t allow them to step into their potential. You don’t have to be one of them. I believe that we can create any reality/life we prefer, including a wonderful career. It only requires different amounts/levels of focus, energy and being persistent.

Life Coach, Vancouver

In the last few years I have managed to build a career based purely on my passions. Long story short: I am a Nanny (with a former education as a teacher) turned Fashion Designer, turned Style Coach (aka Image Consultant), turned Life Coach. There were challenges and growing pains along the way that I went through as a person and as an entrepreneur, but I had a clear vision of what I wanted from life and I was not going to stop until I was living it. It was worth the effort.

Today I can say, I have a career that makes me ridiculously happy. And I want the same for you! Are you ready to start soul searching?

 During my career as Life Coach I have whiteness many women stepping into their purpose and launching their dream careers. If you have a job that keeps you unhappy and frustrated, I would love to help and give you the tools to make a change in this area of your life.

Carrer Coaching for women

I really enjoyed working with Erika. Erika is very passionate about her work and always brings great energy to the Coaching session.I was in a transition, starting a private practice as a Life Coach.

With Erika’s encouragements, I was able to adapt my 5 years of experience as a counsellor/social worker to my role as a Life Coach. Thanks to Erika, I now feel confident in delivering my own style of Life Coaching which is a mix of coaching and counselling. It was valuable for me to learn the practical steps to start up a private practice. It was very informative and Erika is a great teacher in delivering topics that I was not familiar with, such as creating a website and social media marketing.

This coaching process reaffirmed me the power of coaching. Having a coach is so effective in making changes fast! I recommend Erika’s Coaching to anyone who is in transition of careers or starting up their own business.  

Mizuho Tomita, Life Coach, Vancouver BC, Accompaniment Coaching and Counselling:

Click here for more testimonials.


Dream Career Mentoring Programs 

 2 Hours Dream Career Discovery Coaching Session

This Coaching package focuses on:

  • Clarity and goal setting.
  • Creating a simple and effective plan of of action to make the changes you desire.
  • Recommended resources to support you in moving forward in your career.

During the 2 hours we will spend together, we will be addressing the obvious blocks in creating an enjoyable and successful career, any significant fears keeping you stuck and how to move forward with more confidence and clarity.

Price of this package: $297 plus tax

The Career You Love – Priceless!

Career Coaching for women



Carrer Coaching, Vancouver, Life Coaching for women

6 Weeks Dream Career Mentoring Program

6 Weeks Coaching program offering continues support and tools to create new Power Habits, significant  changes and an on-going momentum. This package includes:

  • 4  Coaching calls (each 1 hour long)
  • 2 – 20 minutes Laser Coaching calls to keep your momentum

This option includes Law of Attraction Coaching and tools that will allow you to understand the process of intentional manifesting. YOU CAN  learn how to attract opportunities to “land the job you love”. The main focus of this Coaching program is:

  • Clarity and creating a plan of action to move forward on your dream career path.
  • Establishing new POWER HABITS through Morning and Evening Energy routines.
  • Productivity tools and effective way of taking action to achieve your goals faster and with ease.
  • Removing mental and emotional blocks preventing you from attracting new opportunities to have a career you enjoy.
  • And much more…

The price of this package: 897$ plus tax

( 2 payments option is available )

The Career You Love – Priceless!

Career Coaching for women



Coaching Website Launch Mentoring Package

Are you thinking about starting your own on-line Coaching business and have no idea where to start?

Launching a website that will help you to market and sell your Coaching services on-line can be overwhelming. Your website should be a tool you as a Coach use in your business to grow a strong, thriving and professionally represented Coaching practice.

I have been lucky to have the skills, the tools and the mentoring to be able to build my own website when I started my own Life Coaching business. Over the years I have redesigned website and restructured my on-line business to accommodate the evolution and the growth of my Coaching practice.

Having so much passion for marketing and business development had inspired me to offer my expertise and many helpful tips and strategies to launch an on-line Coaching business to other women out there hoping to fulfil the same dream I had when I decided to become a Life Coach.

You can get the ball rolling today and have your website up and running in no time.

This starter website launch mentoring package includes: 

  • 90 minutes Website Launch Consultation. During this session we will discuss your unique approach to Coaching and your special gifts that will help you to stand out of the crowd and create the impact you would like to have on your clients lives. We will go over the main structure of your site and the type of landing pages you will need to create to have a strong start to building an on-line Coaching business. Having well organized and easy to navigate website is must if you want to sell your services effectively. We will address that during this consultation.
  • Follow up e-mail with notes from our website launch consultation and specific tips as well as a homework to do that will help you to create a strong copy/marketing content for your website and allow you create your Basic Coaching packages you can offer to your clients on your new site. Your homework assigned during our consultation will be specifically designed to create the content for  landing pages which will be upload during the website installation process.
  • Website installation provided be ONEWEBSITE.CA. The specific type of website installation included in this Website launch mentoring package is : Every one website (entry level business website) – Blogger ( Installed ) worth $ 197. You can see the details of this website instalation package included here: As a bonus for my clients, ONEWEBSITE.CA included access to 3 months of Worpress training videos which are included in this website instalation package.
  • Little Bonus from me to celebrate your new site launch – Beautiful, fun and professional looking header so you can make a great first impression on your new website visitors.

You don’t have to invest thousands of dollars and be held back financially to create the career for yourself that you have been dreaming of. Take the leap of faith and contact me to find out about availability of this mentoring package.

The price of this package: $ 997 plus tax

The Career You Love – Priceless!

Career Coaching for women