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Simple prayer that could change your life and an incredible story to prove that.

Could a simple prayer change your life? Well, I firmly believe in miracles and in the ability of any human being to change the circumstances of their life just be changing their perception on life. I personally am not very religious but I know that we are supported in our efforts to step into our purpose and that includes creating a wonderful, exciting, abundant life worth living.

I was just watching the Oprah show where Paula Deen, an incredible chef and a woman, book author, The Food Network star, restaurant owner and a loving mother, was interviewed about how she created the amazing life ans success she now has.

Her story was so powerful. Paula has become an American phenomenon, overcoming poverty, doubt and agoraphobia to achieve success and acclaim she could never have imagined.

Here is Paula Deen Telling Her Story and How Serenity Prayer Changed Her Life

Serenity Prayer

Serenity_Prayer, Paula_Deen

3 Specific Reasons Why the Serenity Prayer May Help You to Live a Better Life?

Words are powerful and so are our beliefs and our ability to maintain hopeful, peaceful state that energizes us and allows us to move forward. Here are 2 specific reason why you may consider to start having  Morning Serenity Prayer Ritual: 

  • 1. The Serenity Prayer helps us to release the constant need to have control over things we need to let go or make peace with. When we try to change people, the world, our partners… it only depletes our energy. People will change when they are ready to … no matter how much we want them to hurry up. The frustration and even anger are states that will leave you exhausted and inspired. Everything we do takes energy so consider how much energy you could gain by understanding the root of this simple prayer.
  • 2. Whether you believe in God, Buddha, the Universe or something else, it feels good to believe that someone powerful has there back (be it God, Buddha…) has your back, listens when you ask for help and guidance AKA PRAY. It does make sense that people who have faith, would be more relaxed and cantered. Stress effects the way we live our lives, the way we focus and react to life, and it also effects out health in a huge way. We all know that. There are actually studies suggesting that people who have faith have a better quality of living, even live longer.
  • [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”0743289803″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”106″] Today’s latest research in Quantum Physics is baking up Payer theories.Word renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has actually been able to prove the positive affects of prayer on water. You can learn more about it in this great article: The power of prayer made visible. When you will read this article, please keep in mind that our bodies are mostly made of water. When you connect the dots, miracles can start really making sense.


Serenity Prayer,Power of prayer, Masaru Emoto
Image source

So if it gives you energy, helps you to maintain more peaceful mind and it doesn’t hurt anybody if you take 2 minutes each morning to have a short conversation with whoever represents your faith, why not to do it? It sure worked for Paula. I am sure it took a lot of hard work and courage to get where she is today but that little reminder in a form of  Serenity prayer was a big part of that incredible journey, as she says.

What do you think about prayer?

  • Do you pray?
  • And if you do, what are the benefits that you are receiving through this ritual?

If you liked this article you may also enjoy my other article: This week’s intention: Letting go of drama.