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It has been raining a lot in the last few days here is Vancouver. The temperature has dropped down rapidly and that is a sign that the Fall is permanently here. Summer arrived late in Vancouver, practically in August but we had an amazing, warm and sunny September.

Looking back at the last two months, I am sad to say good bye to the hot and sunny summer days filled with all kinds of adventures and spending lots of time outdoors. There are a few particular things I will miss the most. Here they are:

Summer Morning Ritual – Healthy, Yummy Breakfast in the Sun 

Breakfast on my balcony while soaking in the sunshine. The best way to start my day! I am really big on awesome, healthy and enjoyable breakfast – most important meal of the day they say, and I agree.

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

Robson Square – The Fun Central

I love walks in the city and there is aways something strange, creative and fun happening at Robson square – like read and green cube guys dancing around and cheering everyone up. Aren’t they cute?

Vancouver, Life Coaching for womenNap Time

Best place to take a nap in the middle of the day is Robson street. (SMILE). I swear I saw some guy in a a nice suit taking a nap, and I mean sleeping, on one of those comfy cushions. Great way to escape the office while actually getting some tan if you are a back sleeper (like the guy I saw).

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

Daily Dose of Creativity

Creativity blooms in warm, summer months I believe. We have more energy for projects and local artists often take advantage of the human traffic in front of the Art Gallery. Have  you ever seen a wall made out of bra’s? This guy had lots of donations from the ladies going by. What a great, sassy way to support the cancer cause.

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

My Favorite Office in the City

If you are not familiar with the Art Gallery Cafe, you have to check it out. I keep referring to it as a little Paris in the middle of the downtown Vancouver. And I mean it. The food is amazing  and well prised, plus you get to enjoy an amazing garden that get so much sun. During the summer months you may also be lucky to listen to a great great jazz band or some classical music artists to soothe your soul.

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

Beach Time

It’s so nice to just do nothing sometimes and the beach is the place to do that. Only playing and relaxing is allowed here. You can also bring your ballon. (SMILE)

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

Warm Nights at the Beach

Best way to end the day – at the beach. This is English Bay – the perfect place to watch the sunset and enjoy your ice cream. YUM!

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

Biking to Explore the Best View Points in the City

Bike rides in Vancouver are so exciting. I live really close to Stanley park and it takes a little effort to bike to places with amazing views like this one. You are looking at the Third Beach – my favorite beach in the city.

Life Coaching for women, Vancouver

Road Trips

Who doesn’t love a fun road trip? This picture is us arriving at the beautiful Canmore, AB. We were there to visit my boyfriend’s family and I fell in love with it. The air was so fresh and every house looked a cottage. Soooo relaxing and serene.

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

Vancouver,  Life Coaching for women

Good Bye Summer, Hello Fall

This is fall view from our apartment. Good news is that Vancouver looks great in any season. It’s just such a beautiful city. Don’t you think?

Fall in Vancouver

Tofino trip

We had an extended summer this year in Vancouver. It was sunny and very warm so we decided to take advantage of it and headed to Tofino for a quick surfing trip. I have never been to Tofino before and I just can’t believe how beautiful it is.

Black Bear, Bead and Brakfast, Tofino

Black Bear Getaway

Black Bear Bed and Breakfast, TofinoIf you have plans to visit Tofino, I highly recommend this beautiful, cozy Bed and Breakfast Black Bear- business that is run by a young family passionate about providing people with comfort and amazing spa like experience in the most amazing settings. I cannot wait to go back again.

Wouldn’t you like to wake up to a view like this?

Tofino trip, Vancouver  BC

Here is Michael sleeping, probably dreaming about surfing. Time to wake up love. (Smile)

Black Bear,Tofino, BC

Our little deck. I kind of just wanted to stay here, have my coffee and read my book all day.

Tofino, BC

Good Morning Tofino!

Getting ready for the day of fun.

Tofino, BC

And we were off to the beach.

Tofino, BC

Tofino, BC

Surfing time

Pure Bliss. Michel is so excited to get on that surf board, it is hard to put into words. Look at that face. (SMILE)

Tofino, BC

My Tofino Office

While Michael was surfing, I settled into “my Tofino office” and I have to say that this was one of the most enjoyable places to get a little work done. It was a gorgeous day . Even the locals were saying how exceptional the weather was that day considering the fact it was already September.

Tofino, BC

Tofino, BC

Tofino, BC

Tacofino Snack Brake

After surfing and doing little work we were off to have a little snack – the best tacos I have ever had, hands down! If you are in Tofino, you have to eat at the Tacofino. The atmosphere is so friendly and you can just sit down at a big table with whole bunch of strangers (likely surfers) to have a tasty meal and most likely an interesting conversation as well.

Tofino, BC

If it’s lined up, don’t give up. It is worth the wait. We were pretty hungry and it took about 20 minutes to have our food but I am glad we made that choice.

Tofino, BC

Tofino, BC

Tofino, BC

Next Stop – Lunch at the Beach.

BBQ time! Yum! Now that we had some food, we could actually head down to the beach and take our time to cook our lunch. Everything taste better at the beach.

Tofino trip

Tofino trip

Tofino trip

After the lunch we headed back to the surfing spot. Michel went surfing again in what he described as freezing cold water (but still amazing) and I decided to enjoy the view and my book. I even managed to take a little nap and made friends with the cutest little poppy running around the beach making everybody laugh. What a day! Loved it!

Tofino trip

The Joys of the Fall Season

I actually really love fall. It’s a calm, relaxing season and the rainy days are perfect for getting lots of work done and reading my favorite books. One of my favorite places to spend an afternoon is Chapters on Robson. It is like being at the candy store for me.

Life Coaching for women, Vancouver

My First Little Garden

This fall I am starting to grow a garden, really little one. I have just fallen in love with sprouts. I could have sprouts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Seriously. I love how I feel when I eat these juicy little guys. They are so full of life and nutrients. So, this is my garden. It’s a simple project and so much fun too. Just water twice a day, wait a few days and bon appetit! (SMILE)

Life Coaching, Vancouver

Life Coaching for women, Vancouver

Life Coaching for women, Vancouver

The Big Project: Website Makeover

Life Coaching for women, Vancouver

Everything in this world is evolving and my Coaching practice is apart of that too. I am excited to take all my Coaching experiences, my ideas for sharing my pasion for personal development and run with it. I am just working on my E-books that will be available as downloads and restructuring my Coaching packages to serve my clients better and even have more fun as a Coach. It’s time to loosen up and go all out. It’s an exciting thing and I am curious what is going to come out of this transformation.

Let me know if you have any suggestions. I am open to new ideas. Change is good.